
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)


Title Author Year arrow_drop_up
Lettre de la Chine de l'an 1601, escrite par le P. Valentin Carvaglio, recteur du collège de Macao, au T. R. P. Claude Aquaviva, général de la Compagnie de Jésus.
Carvalho, Valentin, P.,auteur 1605
La mort glorieuse de soixante et un chrestiens de Macao décapitez pour la confession de nostre sainte foy à Nangazaqui, au royaume du Japon, le 4 d'aoust l'an 1640 : extraite de la relation faicte en langue portugaise par le R. P. Antoine François Cardin, de la Compagnie de Jésus ... avec la copie d'une lettre de Hollande touchant la glorieuse confession de quatre Pères de la mesme compagnie et de trois autres chrestiens mis à mort au mesme royaume du Japon sur la fin de l'an 1642
Cardim, Antonio Francisco,auteur 1643
Lettera al serenissimo Duca del Maine, intorno alle ceremonie della Cina : scritta dal Padre Luigi le Comte, della Compagnia di Giesù.
Le Comte, Louis, 1655-1728,autore 1700
Estratto delle lettere originali spedite a Roma nel 1795. Dai vicarj appostolici, e missionarj della Cina, Tunkino, e Cochinchina : scritte in idioma francese sullo stato presente di quelle Missioni
Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne, D.D. : late missionary to China and principal of the Anglo-Chinese College : compiled from documents written by the deceased : to which are added occasional remarks
Milne, William,author 1824
Lives of eminent missionaries
Carne, John,author 1833
Memoirs of the life and labours of Robert Morrison : compiled with critical notes of his Chinese works by Samuel Kidd, and an appendix containing original documents
Morrison, Robert,author 1839
Annals of the propagation of the faith : a periodical collection of letters from the bishops and missionaries employed in the missions of the old and new world, and all the documents relating to those missions and the institution for the propagation of the faith.
Society for the Propagation of the Faith,author 1839
The life and opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., missionary to China illustrated by biographical annals of Asiatic missions from primitive to Protestant times; intended as a guide to missionary spirit
Philip, Robert, 1840
Annals of the propagation of the faith : a periodical collection of letters from the bishops and missionaries employed in the missions of the old and new world, and all the documents relating to those missions and the institution for the propagation of the faith.
Society for the Propagation of the Faith,author 1841

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